Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Section 3 - Cosas que hacen los orcos


Comportamientos generales para todos
los orcos.


[ Objetos deseables para un orco ]
Table of DeseosOrcos
a thing

Definition: a thing is orcesable if it is a objeto listed in the Table of DeseosOrcos.

To hacer que (pnj - an orco) haga de orco:
    [ Mueven muertos al Pantano18 cargando con ellos]
    if the location of pnj is Pantano18:
        if there is a cadaver (called cuerpo) which is carried by pnj:
            try pnj dropping cuerpo;
    otherwise if pnj carries no cadaver:
        if there is a cadaver (called cuerpo) which is in the location of pnj:
            try pnj taking cuerpo;
    [cogen cosas]
    otherwise if there is a orcesable thing (called interesante) in the location of pnj and the location of pnj is not Pantano19:
        try pnj taking interesante;
    otherwise if there is a orcesable thing (called interesante) in a container which is in the location of pnj:
        try pnj taking interesante;
    [a veces comen cosas]
    otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds:
        if there is a edible carne thing (called comida) which is carried by pnj:
            try pnj eating comida;
    [a veces beben agua]
    otherwise if location of pnj is Pantano1 and pnj is visible and a random chance of 1 in 10 succeeds:
        say "[The pnj] se agacha y bebe un poco de agua del manantial.";
    [a veces dejan cosas en el campamento orco]
    otherwise if location of pnj is Pantano19 and a random chance of 1 in 10 succeeds:
        if there is a thing (called cosa) which is carried by pnj:
            try pnj dropping cosa.

[ Darles cosas ]
Instead of giving anillo to an orco:
    say "Pasarme al orco, tomarlo como portador... uhm... demasiado arriesgado desagradable.".

Instead of giving anillo to an orco when the player is an orco:
    say "Estos animales son tan codiciosos que bastara con... veamos...";
    try shining.

Instead of giving a thing to an orco when the player is nuhur or the player is icalante:
    say "¿Darle [the noun] a un orco? No, no eso no tiene sentido.".

Instead of giving a orcesable thing to an orco when the player is an orco:
    say "[The second noun] coge [the noun] un poco sorprendido. Lo mira con interés y finalmente dice: '¡Vrek, [el portador]!', parece contento.";
    move the noun to the location;
    try silently second noun taking the noun.

Instead of giving a thing to an orco when the player is an orco:
    say "[The second noun] coge [the noun]. Lo mira con desgana y finalmente lo deja caer diciendo: '¡Bhuck, [el portador]!', parece decepcionado.";
    move the noun to the location.

[Renovar los deseos de un orco]
Before going:
    if there is a persiguiendo orco (called asesino) in the location:
        change buscando of asesino to 0.